Friday 27 July 2012

Poppies and a Field. 27th July.

Today called for an early photo & blog post as this evening a very important event is happening in our capital city, the Olympics Opening Ceremony. I am very excited for the Olympics this summer, I may not be going to any of the events.. but I shall remain patriotic and fully backing team GB throughout the whole of the summer. 

The photo above is a place which I drive by all the time, I never stop there though... except for today! There were a whole bunch of poppies growing around the perimeters of this field, it just created a really nice scene. Sometimes it's worth stopping the car for a couple of minutes so that you can respect the wonderful scenery which surrounds you.

In over news, I am on holiday as of tomorrow.. I shall attempt to continue my daily blog posts during this time, but I apologise in advance if they are not as good as they normally are. I hope you are all enjoying the summer so far, happy holidays!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Jazz in the City. 26th July.

Today was another one of those beautiful days where you have to get outside and do something! I headed into Peterborough, my nearest city, and took some street shots. A jazz band happened to be playing in the main square of the city, the square was full of people with many young children dancing around the fountains... there was just a lovely atmosphere. 

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Tobogganing Time. 25th July.

I had the opportunity to go tobogganing today with my church's young adult group. I've never properly been tobogganing before (the snow days with a makeshift sledge going down the tiniest bump in the ground does not count as real tobogganing!). It's definitely an activity which I would consider photographing for my current project "Our British Lives", and it would not have been something which I would have thought of photographing before for the project. 

The scene happened to be beautiful, the sun was setting in a clear sky, and that just made the whole activity seem even more great! 

I also happened to notice this lake full of swans as I was relaxing with a drink after the active tobogganing session. I like swans, they are quite beautiful in their movements.. but they are also quite fierce when they want to be. I apologise if I take too many photos of swans, but they are just lovely.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Horses and Sunsets. 24th July.

This evening there happened to be a beautiful sunset, I spied it through my window.. and then rushed off to a location which I knew would compliment a sun set. I decided to face away from the sunset and focus on a group of horses who were running around a field, they weren't the easiest thing to photograph as they were constantly moving and the amount of light was decreasing... but I finally captured this shot, which I was quite happy with.

I did have to capture a typical "picture postcard" sunset shot though, so here it is.

Monday 23 July 2012

The evolution of town life. 23rd July.

I went out for a walk around my town today, I'm slowly adjusting back to small town life after being immersed in big city life. My biggest challenge is to realise that living outside of a big city doesn't mean that there is nothing to photograph. I encountered a few interesting subjects during my short walk, this created a few pieces of inspiration which I shall collect and maybe use at a later date. 

On this walk, the thing which struck me was the constant cycle of people who pass through this town.. for sale and sold signs can be found on almost every street throughout the town. This cycle is reflected throughout towns across the UK, the cultures of towns change slightly every time someone enters or leaves it's borders, life remains the same for most people... they sweep the driveways, pick up their fish and chip supper, and go to work... but the slight changes will show a much bigger impact in ten years time. 

Sunday 22 July 2012

Hills and Holes. 22nd July.

Today was one of those beautifully sunny days where it would be a crime to not go outside to enjoy the weather. My boyfriend and I ventured out to this great little nature reserve called "hills and holes", it's basically a really big field with massive bumps! 

After walking round the reserve I decided that it would be a perfect place to shoot for my project on the British culture as it seems to be a haven for bird watchers and dog walkers. I also spied a very quaint looking bowling match nearby which would also make a fantastic photo.. so I shall definitely have do drive back to Barnack sometime over the summer.


Saturday 21 July 2012

Overground Arts Festival. 21st July.

Today I dived straight into life after the D&AD Graduate Academy by taking part in the overground arts festival. It was a mash of artists from across the UK who came together to paint live, share work and connect with other artists. The work I chose to exhibit was "Our British Lives"!Our British Lives/cuik

 I had my work exhibited on a wall full of messages and flowers, and to top it of I chose to hang it outside (probably not the best idea exposing prints to direct sunlight...). It is my first outdoors exhibition and it was quite strange working in outdoor conditions.. I had to trust that the weather would stay fine, I had to make sure that there was as little glare as possible in the frames and I also had to keep wiping flies and bugs off the glass. I received some great feedback, people suggestions on post-it notes for where I should shoot next for the project, and I had the chance to chat to a few great people about my work and their own work.

Today was great and there was a wide range of people producing art and presenting their own work. I captured a few photos of the day:


Friday 20 July 2012

GradAcad day 20: The Spring Project wrap up and a fond farewell. 20th July.

So today was our final day with D&AD Graduate Academy, so the mood was a little bit sombre at the start of the day. The programme today was very fitting, 25 days ago we all came together as strangers and were introduced to Darius and Andrew from the Spring Project, we did not realise how powerful the Spring Project would be.. to be honest, the first session with the Spring Project made me feel quite weird, as there were a lot of long silences and "deep" conversations; but 25 days later we found prolonged silences comfortable and "deep" conversations easy to get into. So as our final GradAcad brief and also as a thank you to Darius and Andrew, we worked in groups to come up with concepts which would encourage people to go on Spring Project programmes. 

We pitched back our ideas, they were all great an really unique. I was pretty impressed with the concepts we generated within the space of 45minutes, it has really proved how much we have developed as a group within the past month. 
On our first day, which was also our first day with the Spring Project, we had to go out in small teams and do creative acts of kindness.. that was great fun and a little bit challenging. Today we all formed one big team and went out together to do a big creative act of kindness, this was to find out the name of one person and to have all of us say "Hello *insert name" to them.. this was great fun and I loved the reactions of the people we interacted with. I recorded interviews with the people after they had all the hello's said to them, so I shall edit them and post them up a little bit later on!

So, a massive thank you to Darius and Andrew for laying on an amazing Spring Project programme for us, I never realised how much I could learn from them... it was a great experience!

Most of us went out for a Vietnemese meal at the end of the day, it was great just chilling with everyone at the end of the Graduate Academy. We have all gelled so well together, we came from a really wide range of disciplines and formed a strong collaborative group. Not going to lie, I will miss these guys, but I'd like to think that we will see each other again and work together in the future! 

It's been a great journey, thank you Kati & Lottie and all the sponsors and agencies. 
