Sunday 8 July 2012

Countryside vs City life. 8th July.

So today was the day I had to yoyo back to London again, it's nice going home for the weekend and being able to relax somewhere which can actually be quiet! As I was on the train home I looked out the window and captured the last few bits of countryside which I would see until the next time I went home. I do love the countryside and it's wonderful wide open spaces, but London is growing on me.. the city is full or inspiration and there are always things which you can photograph.

I also got on a London bus today, I'm one of those people which always takes the tube, but after moving flats I worked out that it was much easier to take the bus than to walk from the nearest tube station. I prefer some aspects of busses to the tube, firstly it's overground... and secondly people actually talk to each other on a bus, it feels a lot more open and relaxed.. it's nice! Although I am not going to stop taking the tube as it is quick and direct!

Getting my brief from Jelly tomorrow... quite excited!


  1. we need to have coffee when your home. tell us all about it all xx

  2. Sounds like a plan! Will text you or something when I'm back home!
