Friday 6 July 2012

GradAcad day 10: Spring Project, Pitching to Moving Brands... and a little bit more of the Park Study. 6th July.

Today started off with a Spring Project session with Darius, the session was focussed on Presentation skills to help us out with our pitching later on. One of the things we looked at was focussing on using a neutral body position, this is something I struggle with as my posture is quite bad... but after sitting and standing with the neutral body position for about 3 hours I finally became aware of how my posture impacts how I interact with people and how I use my body language. It was really interesting to think about. Another thing which we have experienced since day one was long silences, at first I found them very strange and awkward, but now I find that having silence in discussion is useful as I can really think about what I want to say next and make sure my words are high quality. I am really enjoying the Spring Project programme and have already learnt quite a bit from it, I know that by using the techniques they share with us I can become a better communicator and more disciplined person.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty much going through the last minute preparations for our pitch to Moving Brands, we had a couple of run throughs and finalised a few things... and then we were whisked off to the Moving Brands London Studio/Offices.

In a moment of spare time at Google Campus I was inspired to do a little bit of random fine-art-esq photography, we spent the day in a large event space, which has warehouse-style lighting and some really cool looking office chairs!

So we went to moving brands, and I took charge of making sure the PDF presentation went smoothly (it is a very important job!).. all the people from the group who pitched our concept did a brilliant job. After the pitch we all answered questions from the panel of Moving Brands team, the questions were interesting to answer and we all answered them accurately and from our own point of view. We were asked a question about how we used our individual skills for the brief; I explained that I was a photographer and had the choice to shy away and not really get involved, or to jump in and really push my creative limits by taking part in a brief which was hardly related to the skills of a photographer, I chose to jump in. 
Throughout this week I have found out that being a Photographer doesn't mean you have to just stay a photographer, but you can experiment and dabble in different creative media... and through the dabbling and experimentation you will be able to produce really creative photographic work.
I loved working on the Moving Brands brief with the group, we received both positive and constructive feedback from the Moving Brands team ... and I shall definitely take the feedback into consideration!

I'm now home for the weekend, preparing for next week as I am going to be working on a photographic brief for the agency Jelly, quite excited and a little bit nervous about this... gradacad week 3: bring it on!


The Park Study

I had the chance to shoot in the park this afternoon, but I have also started to shoot around the park, it is not odd to see a hoard of bikes locked to the railings of the park... I am debating using this within the project and have now started capturing the wide selection of bikes locked to the  park fence. Currently selecting images for an initial edit so I can work out what I need to shoot next week! 

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