Tuesday 17 July 2012

GradAcad day 17: Pitches, Party Prep and 90second Portraits. 17th July.

First thing this morning we all had the opportunity to present back our group brief pitch from week 2 to the rest of our the Graduate Academy guys. It was really great to see the work which the other groups produced for their pitches; the briefs ranged from creating an easy way for parents to communicate with their children about packed lunches, to raising money for a kickstarter campaign. Everyone seemed to approach the brief really well and came out with great responses.

We then went to check out the gallery where we were holding tomorrow evenings Wrap Party, it was a very rustic style space and we have to use it as a blank canvas which we can decorate to showcase the work of our Graduate Academy. 

One of our decoration ideas was to fill the space with our portraits; we all drew a portrait of each person on the academy, everyone focussed on drawing one person at a time and had 90 seconds to draw each portrait.  We now have about 600-700 portraits of everyone! Joanna Houghton drew this amazing portrait of me, I think it is amazing for a quick 90second sketch.. she's a great illustrator: http://joannahoughton.tumblr.com/


The Park Study

I had a really quick visit to the park today, I discovered two photographers/filmmakers in the park, so I couldn't resist taking the typical "photographer photographing a photographer" picture.

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