Wednesday 4 July 2012

GradAcad Day 8 - Dan Germain from Innocent, Mentoring sessions, Spring Project and Bauhaus at the Barbican. 4th July.

After last nights lack of sleep I had a very packed morning! We started off the day with a great talk by one of the founders of innocent, Dan Germain, he is currently the Creative Director of innocent. He talked to us about the brand identity and how the branding of innocent has created such a successful and interactive business. 

Afterwards our groups had motoring sessions with a great selection of top industry professionals, where we talked about the progression we had on our briefs. We got to talk to about 10 different people who all had useful feedback for our work, both positive and constructive. We have one day left before we pitch our concepts back to moving brands, but we are confident that we will produce a great pitch and concept. I'm really looking forward to my first ever professional pitch.

We had a short session with the Spring Project; we learnt that if there are a group of crabs in a bucket and one tries to climb out the other crabs try to pull it back in! We also stood on a number line and discussed how we thought we were doing in the graduate academy.... it was interesting to hear everyone's points of views and experiences.

We went to Barbican in the evening, there was an exhibition for James Bond (which I didn't visit), but this piece of work was in the atrium of the centre.

We visited the Bauhaus exhibition, where we had a tour by the exhibition designers, it was very interesting as the tour helped me notice loads of small details in the exhibition which helped enhance how the work was presented. The work by Bauhaus is incredible, especially when you consider the art school was only around for 12 years, as the progress during it's duration was really drastic. The exhibition featured around 500 pieces of work, each piece was hand couriered to the exhibition (by personal couriers worldwide) and then it was hung with specific hanging and lighting instructions. It was amazing to consider how much effort went into the design, layout and architecture of the exhibition. I would highly recommend seeing it if you are in the London area any time soon.

I have never visited the Barbican centre before, but it's architecture is amazing. The outside area has two streams running through it with fountains dotted around the landscape. The whole area had a very peaceful and reflective feel to it as there were many people sitting, laying and relaxing. The architecture was stunning aswell, even when you leave the centre you are surrounded by a mass of wonderful concrete architecture. It's a great place to visit!


The Park Study
I apologise that I have not been able to shoot for the project again today, but it has been crazy trying to fit everything in with the move. I may have to focus my shooting on another park which is more local, but ideally I can still access the park where I have previously been shooting. Tomorrow there shall be images!

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