Tuesday 31 January 2012

Waiting. 31st January.

This morning I had a fashion shoot, I was quite excited about it because I enjoy experimenting with fashion photography to produce imaginative imagery. The styling and theme of the shoot was vintage 1940s fashion, I had a small selection of props to work with and I had three different styles to photograph. The location for the shoot was the Nene Valley Railway, Ferry Meadows station, this location was fabulous as it is a private train line which runs steam trains.

I loved this shoot, I had quite a lot of creative freedom within it and enjoyed experimenting and producing creative images. Some more photos from the shoot can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151161053850046.793268.407058550045&type=1

Monday 30 January 2012

Sugar Beet Mountain. 30th January.

It's that time of year again where every farmyard across Britain has a pile of recently harvested sugar beet. These piles of sugar beet are one of the things I relate to the British farming; along with fields of livestock, hay bales and bumpy single track roads! 

Sunday 29 January 2012

Exploding Flower. 29th January.

This photograph was inspired by the work of Nick Knight, I love his series of still life powder flower photographs (photos below). I decided to use the idea of powder making the impression of flowers, but I made it more literal in this photograph. 

Saturday 28 January 2012

New Project: Industrial Britain. 28th January.

Over the past couple of months I have been working on a documentary called "Electric Landscapes", I have decided to expand this and produce a documentary about how human's needs and the UK's consumerist society has impacted the landscape of Great Britain. This project is called "Industrial Britain", it is incorporating a number of photos from the electric landscapes, but expanding upon the theme. I'm going to be working on this project in future months, so I will keep this Blog updated with news.

This photograph is one which I took this morning whilst out shooting for the project, it was taken at Whittlesea Train station.

Friday 27 January 2012

Gaffa Tape Gallery. 27th January. (And why I love mobile phone photography)

I was with a few fellow photographers today and we were all doing a little task, after watching an hour long documentary we took screen shots of moments which would work well in a photographic documentary for the same subject. This morning we all met up and stuck up our photos in the sequence we believed was most effective, we critiqued each other's sequences. It was a great task to do to improve portfolio/photo documentary editing. 

I am also quite a big fan of mobile phone photography, it's a camera which you can take everywhere with you. There are so many things I have captured on my phone, it's a notebook (documenting shoot locations), a photo album (friends and family), and a journal (documenting ideas!). Major news companies now use mobile phone photographs to document news stories, the camera phone is a piece of equipment which can make everyone a photojournalist, a truly important historical invention.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Pizza Place. 26th January.

When most shops close there are a group of shops that open, takeaways. They represent the night time in Britain. Their customer range is wide, from families who want an easy dinner, to teenagers after their nights out. Takeaways make the UK what it is today.

Facebook. Twitter.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Tilt Shift Skill. 25th January.

I found out about an interesting photographic technique yesterday, it's called Free Lensing. Free Lensing is where a photographer detaches the lens from the camera body and moves it around slightly to achieve a tilt shift effect in photographs. I thought I would give it ago, although it is quite a risky process as the camera sensor can be damaged as a result of the lens being unattached to the camera body. I found this skull and thought it would make a great subject, and it did! I am going to build a piece of equipment which will both hold the lens and attach to the camera so I can experiment more without having to risk damaging my camera. It's great fun!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Raindrops. 24th January.

Today did not go as plan, I wanted to go out and shoot for my industrial landscapes documentary project, but the weather for the day meant it would be pretty challenging to take a photograph which would appear how I wanted it to appear. Instead of shooting I spent a day indoors planning for a documentary on the effects homelessness has on people, hopefully I have a great organisation on board who I can work alongside. I also booked a location for a fashion shoot I have coming up next week. Excited to see both of these projects unfold!

Monday 23 January 2012

Through a Pet's Eyes. 23rd January.

I have recently been looking at the Canon Photo 5 contest from 2011, one of the catergories which contestants had to photograph was "through a pets eyes". I had a little go at taking a photograph which would fit this category, it's interesting as there are so many ways people could interpret it! I have pet ferrets (which some of you may know!), they have certain toys which they drag about with them everywhere. I found this dinosaur toy which was quite bedraggled and muddy, I took the photograph to show a view from the ferrets eyes as the ferret is about to drag the toy off somewhere!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Inverted. 21st January.

I've recently became quite interested in experimenting with digital processing to produce photo-based graphic art. I found a flower this morning and photographed it, and then I processed it in Photoshop to achieve an effect very similar to what I used when I was experimenting with my Electric Landscape series. It's always quite fun to have a go in Photoshop to produce a unique image, but there is also quite a fine line between photography and graphic design...

Friday 20 January 2012

The Rooftops. 20th January.

Rooftops by Timothy Steele

At dawn, down in the streets, from pavement grills,
Steam rises like the spent breath of the night.
At open windows, curtains stir on sills;
There’s caging drawn across a market’s face;
An empty crane, at its construction site,
Suspends a cable into chasmed space.

The roof shows other rooftops, their plateaus
Marked with antennas from which lines are tied
And strung with water beads or hung with clothes.
And here and there a pigeon comes to peck
At opaque puddles, its stiff walk supplied
By herky-jerky motions of its neck.

Downtown, tall buildings surmount a thinning haze.
The newest, the world center of a bank,
Has sides swept upward from a block-broad base,
Obsidian glass, fifty stories tall;
Against it hangs a window-washer’s plank,
An aerie on a frozen waterfall.

Nearer and eastward, past still-sleeping blocks,
Crews on the waterfront are changing shifts.
Trucks load at warehouses at the foot of docks;
A tug out in the bay, gathering speed,
With a short hollow blast of puffed smoke, lifts
Gulls to a cawing and air-borne stampede.

It is as if dawn pliantly compels
The city to relax to sounds and shapes,
To its diagonals and parallels:
Long streets with traffic signals blinking red,
Small squares of parks, alleys with fire escapes,
Rooftops above which cloudless day is spread.

And it’s as if the roofs’ breeze-freshened shelves,
Their level surfaces of gravelled tar
Where glassy fragments glitter, are themselves
A measure of the intermediate worth
Of all the stories to the morning star
And all the stories to the morning earth.

Thursday 19 January 2012

The Little Dinosaur. 19th January.

This little dinosaur was sitting in my hallway, he's a toy from my childhood and I decided to use him in today's photograph!

I met street photographer Chris Porsz today, he is a street photographer and is currently working on a series where he is using photographs he took 20/30 years ago and then finding the people who were in them and recreating the photographs today. I met him on the streets of Peterborough just after he finished recreating a photograph, I was with another photographer friend and we had a great chat with him for 10/15minutes about his work and photographers who we both find inspiring for our own work. 

Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Book. 18th January.

I have never considered myself as much of a reader, but I have always liked reading when I have had the chance. I recently had the opportunity to get myself reading more, the opportunity presented itself in the form of the Six Book Challenge, I decided to sign myself up for it and now I have to read six books by may! I am on my first book, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, I've seen the film and so far I'm enjoying the book! 

Reading is a great way of gaining inspiration, in non-fiction inspiration can come from social situations and historical moments, in fiction inspiration can come from fairy tales and made up creatures. Annie Leibovitz (a fashion photographer who's work I love), has been inspired by many fictional stories.

I look forward to reading more and becoming inspired through many different things I read in the book I find!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

A cup of tea. 17th January.

I had an experimental fashion shoot today, I'm trying to create a collection of really interesting and creative fashion photographs. It was a great initial shoot, I enjoyed it thoroughly (and I'm not even that much of a fashion photographer!), there are a few things I shall improve on in future shoots. I'm looking forward to expanding on this collection over the next few weeks, it is very exciting!

Monday 16 January 2012

Stars. 16th January.

After a shoot I did this morning of photographing still life of flowers in Ice, I felt like doing a bit more still life, but this time by experimenting with light and shadows. So I found and old jar, stuck some star sequins onto it, put a tea light candle in it, and then photographed it. 

The Ice shoot went quite well and I am slowly building upon the collection, it is a project which is really fun to undertake, but also challenging. Here is one of the processed photos:

Sunday 15 January 2012

The Flower. 15th January.

If you remember the Frozen shoot I did in December you may be pleased to know that I am expanding on that shoot tomorrow, but I am focussing on flowers this time. This shoot gave me the perfect excuse to buy a bouquet of flowers, this beautiful flower was included in the bouquet and I thought it would make a great photo for today!

Saturday 14 January 2012

PRATS Longsword. 14th January.

Once a year, in a fenland town of Whittlesey there is a folk festival called the Straw Bear. Folk dance teams come from all over the UK and dance during the weekend in various areas of the town. One dance team at the event was PRATS Longsword and they made perfect subjects for a photograph of the festival!
The straw bear is a great opportunity to take street photographs and portraits as there are many interesting subjects!

Friday 13 January 2012

The Rainbow Guitar. 13th January.

"This ol' guitar
has been my best friend
through thick and thin

It has held all my thoughts
spoken them through melody
words whispered from my heart

And at times
this ol' guitar
has even held tears at bay

Stopped my world from falling apart
it even has kept
this ol' heart from breaking in two

Yes, this ol' guitar
has served these aging hands
of mine so well

This ol' guitar
it has created music
that screamed out to be heard

This ol' guitar
has been my best friend
through thick and thin.... "

Poem by Daniel Wittforth

Thursday 12 January 2012

New photographic documentary project on the horizon! (Daily photo: Cookie Monster. 12th January.)

This is the Cookie Monster from the classic children's TV programme Sesame Street. He currently sits in my hallway, not really doing anything, I used to love him as a child, but now I grow older he has become more of an ornament to remind me of classic childhood toys.

In other news, I am looking at starting a new documentary project where I am looking into homelessness. I am hoping to get involved with a charity who support the homeless. It is an issue which I find very interesting and is something which I am looking forward to exploring. Along side the photographic side of the project I am looking into producing a video documentary to support the photographic aspect.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Morning Moon. 11th January.

When I looked out the window this morning and saw the colours of the sky I knew it was going to be a beautiful morning! I walked down my street and I saw this scene ready for me to capture, the sunrise was just finishing and the moon was large and bright. It was just a perfect scene and a wonderful start to the day!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Orchid. 10th January.

I have this Orchid in my conservatory, they're lovely flowers, so intricate and delicately designed. The sun was shining right through them today and I thought it would make a rather lovely photograph!

Also, I was working on a few experimental edits of photos from my electric landscape project, I posted them in my last blog post so if you missed them then check them out.

I haven't mentioned twitter for a while, if you have twitter then follow me if you want to: https://twitter.com/#!/TheRuthJones

Positive and Negative Electric Landscapes.

I have decided to spice up my electric landscape project by working on it in Photoshop to produce some experimental and interesting looking photographs. I have combined two images together as a positive and a negative layer. It's always good to try something a little different. 

Monday 9 January 2012

Pinecone. 9th January.

Wake up little pinecone
The rain has fallen and the air is fresh
And someday you will be a tree
The tallest tree in the land

Wake up and see for yourself
The soil is rich and the land grows under your feet
But most of all, my little pinecone
Expect great things from yourself

Wake up and see for yourself
See how the universe plays in the branches
While mountain glaciers melt in sun

Shake the snow from your beautiful head
Wake up from your peaceful nap and see
How this is your destiny 

Sunday 8 January 2012

Mousetrap. 8th January.

Anybody remember the old game mousetrap? I found it today and decided to play it. It is quite fun, although it doesn't seem as complex to set up as I remember it was when I was a child. It did actually work too, and happily, I won the game!

Saturday 7 January 2012

The Lightbulb. 7th January.

This is the result of a little bit of experimental Macro Photography I did today. I had an old car headlight bulb and thought that it would make a great photograph. I did not use and photographic flash lighting for this, but I did use my table lamp and used a video playing on my laptop as a background, it is quite hard to get the right balance of exposures through distancing the object from light sources, but I enjoy it and find the lighting is one of the best parts of photographing macro and still life pieces. 

Friday 6 January 2012

Schools At Home.


Holga. 6th January.

This is a camera which I am constantly falling in and out of love with. It can produce the most amazing photographs, but it can also produce the worst exposed and the most out of focus photographs. I am currently experimenting with the Holga and long exposures, I am yet to develop any film from this experiment, but when I have I know it will either be incredibly successful or look terrible. It is an exciting camera to own and it challenges you to look through the technical abilities of cameras but to just use your own creativity to invent a photograph.

Thursday 5 January 2012

A2Z - The multicultural shop. 5th January.

My nearest city is Peterborough, some people may not like it, it's not that big and the shopping's not that great... but I quite like it! It's a hub of multiculturalism, on my way out of the city today I saw this shop and I thought it perfectly captured the diversity of the city. People of different nationalities may tend to stay in separate groups and communities, but as a city we are starting to tear down all the barriers but we are embracing the diverse range nationalities. This shop is a perfect example of that.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Through A Window. 4th January.

I took this photograph this morning, I decided that it would be an interesting experiment to take a long exposure photograph out of my window whist  I was busy having my breakfast. The sky was clear and there was a beautiful sunrise this morning, but I captured the sky as it was starting to prepare for the sunrise. I might experiment with this again during the night to capture some star trails. 

Tuesday 3 January 2012

The Wine Bottle. 3rd of January.

I found this small bottle of wine in a cupboard amongst a load of other drinks, it had a certain aesthetic charm to it and I decided to photograph it. I thought it would be interesting to play around with different angles and lighting styles so that I could have a really unique photograph. 

I love the lighting side of photography, the lighting of a photograph can completely change the look and feel of the picture, even when you are using the same composition. Lighting makes the whole story and character of the photograph.

Monday 2 January 2012

Three Brick Chimneys. 2nd January.

I spent this morning walking around a large abandoned quarry (now a nature reserve) in whittlesey. This was because I am currently working on a project which shows how people use green spaces such as nature reserves (inspired by Andy Sewell's "The Heath"). This quarry is right next to a brick yard where these three chimneys were, I thought it would be a great opportunity too take a Michael Kenna style photograph, so I took this photograph.

I love the work of Michael Kenna, he is one of my biggest influences so look him up!

Sunday 1 January 2012

2012. 1st January.

Happy New Year everybody. Today's the start of 2012, an exciting year for me! I have many projects which I shall work on and embark on and complete during this year, I am planning on having an exhibition in a few months and there are a few interesting opportunities opening up for me! I shall blog about my journey during the next year, so stay tuned. 

I never really make new years resolutions anymore, except from the typical "eat healthier" and "stay fit" (which never really last!), but I am positive that I shall push forward in my photography throughout the year by experimenting and generating new ideas.

I hope you have all had a great new years and Chrismas time.