Friday 27 January 2012

Gaffa Tape Gallery. 27th January. (And why I love mobile phone photography)

I was with a few fellow photographers today and we were all doing a little task, after watching an hour long documentary we took screen shots of moments which would work well in a photographic documentary for the same subject. This morning we all met up and stuck up our photos in the sequence we believed was most effective, we critiqued each other's sequences. It was a great task to do to improve portfolio/photo documentary editing. 

I am also quite a big fan of mobile phone photography, it's a camera which you can take everywhere with you. There are so many things I have captured on my phone, it's a notebook (documenting shoot locations), a photo album (friends and family), and a journal (documenting ideas!). Major news companies now use mobile phone photographs to document news stories, the camera phone is a piece of equipment which can make everyone a photojournalist, a truly important historical invention.

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