Tuesday 31 January 2012

Waiting. 31st January.

This morning I had a fashion shoot, I was quite excited about it because I enjoy experimenting with fashion photography to produce imaginative imagery. The styling and theme of the shoot was vintage 1940s fashion, I had a small selection of props to work with and I had three different styles to photograph. The location for the shoot was the Nene Valley Railway, Ferry Meadows station, this location was fabulous as it is a private train line which runs steam trains.

I loved this shoot, I had quite a lot of creative freedom within it and enjoyed experimenting and producing creative images. Some more photos from the shoot can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151161053850046.793268.407058550045&type=1


  1. I would Loveee to see a steam train in this shot. Im guessing they dont run at this time of the year? =/

  2. I wouldn't be allowed on track due to health and safety issues, but the story which I have placed behind the photo series is that she is waiting for a train that will never come. :)
