Saturday 30 June 2012

The land where you can see for miles. 30th June.

So, I'm back home for the weekend. Getting home to my quiet little town made me realise how different London life is! I could see the sky without having to look straight up past tall buildings, and I could look around and see for miles. So today I decided to go for a little walk and soak in the beauty of living on the verge of the countryside. My town contains a mix of industry and farmland, so you may stand in one spot and see a large brick factory and then turn around and view beautiful countryside.. it is a contrast which I find interesting and quite love! 

I am also enjoying being home and stepping back from my work on "The Park Study", so that I can think of where I need to take it when I start shooting again next week... a few new ideas and pieces of inspiration have filled my head so far... so watch this space!

Friday 29 June 2012

GradAcad day 5 - Uncontained Shoot, Box Park, Cyanotypes, and The Park Study update. 26th June.

^ Cool graffiti I saw this morning.

Today I was based at the Box Park in Shoreditch in the ShellSuit Zombie Uncontained, container! We were running a photoshoot and I was assisting the Photographer, Suzie Blake. Each Grad Acad attendee had to create some kind of prop/design/style which would represent the word "warrior", the creations were used in the portraits of each sitter. The shoot was crazy, everyone had different ideas, it was great! I was kept busy, assisting Suzie, getting the sitters ready, making sure everyone knew what they were doing and where they were going! And I also got to watch Suzie at work and gleen some knowledge from the experience! It was a super-fun day, here's to many more amazing days like today!

I had the chance to design a prop and have my portrait taken, I decided to create a protest placard which said "NO! That is not ok." I chose this design because my work is all about raising awareness of issues and telling people that ignoring important issues is not okay. I also chose the placard because I have worked on a number of protests and wanted a photojournalistic feel within the photograph!

The guys really worked hard to create effective props/outfits/designs. 

Some of the crazy designs, they were so creative and diverse.

A little bit of the backstage craziness!

For those of you who haven't been to Box Park, it's pretty  much a shopping centre made out of shipping containers. Someone also said that it was like a pier, but in London.. which I totally agree with. I couldn't resist taking this abstract architectural photo when I had a spare second.

A gallery round the corner from me is just coming to the end of an exhibition, I only noticed the exhibition today so I popped in. A series of cyanotypes from Argentina filled the walls, I always stayed away from experimenting with Cyanotypes as I thought they looked a bit tacky... but today my perception has been changed, I loved the photographs and I felt that the Cyanotype process really added a different feel to the photographs and really enhanced the subject. I will have to try out Cyanotypes one day! 

Also, this week I started a new project titled "The Park Study", I'm basically looking at how people use a tiny park in the middle of London as a place to escape, relax, socialise and more... I had a couple of opportunities to shoot today, I was amazed at how different the park seemed at the two times of the day... I might incorporate times of the day into the project. A lot of different ways I could take the project, so I'm spending this weekend working out where to go.


Thursday 28 June 2012

GradAcad day 4 - Social Design and Little White Lies. 28th June.

Today's sessions were at The Book Club, a quirky little cafe/bar/social space near Shoreditch, everyone met a little bit early so that we could enjoy a little bit of breakfast together. I do have to say they make a lovely skinny latte! 

We were joined by Steven Johnson & Steven Nicholson from Collaborative Change, a social design agency. He spoke about social design, his own experiences in social design, and how we can work as social designers. The agency works with Charities, NGOs, and Government organisations to design resolutions for social problems.  

In the latter half of the sessions we worked in groups to respond to a brief which Collaborative Change had recently responded to. The brief was to alert heroin users that if their friend has overdosed they don't need to be scared to call 999 for an ambulance. Users often associate 999 with the police, they would be scared of being arrested and being separated from heroin. It was quite a complex brief to work to, but after a good few hours working on it and a lot of help from Steven J & Steven N we all came to similar conclusions to the ones which Collaborative Change reached.

It was an excellent session which made me a lot more aware of social design and how important it is in today's world! I found a lot of it helpful and my documentary work will be very influenced by what I learnt in today's session!

This evening I was invited to a private view by Little White Lies, the work was a collection of cover designs for an up and coming publication. All the designs were by D&AD yellow pencil winners, nominees, and best of year winners. The covers were very diverse but all interesting in a unique way. I really enjoyed the exhibition, well done to all the designers behind the covers.


Wednesday 27 June 2012

GradAcad Day 3! Talks, Exhibition, Google and User Experience (plus a little bit of street photography). 27th June.

I decided to take some time this morning before my first session to check out the tiny park which is very close to my flat. The park is basically a large rectangle of grass, as a non-city dweller I would not consider it to be a "real park", but a number of Londoners could be found relaxing and walking dogs around this small green space, within the fencing the atmosphere was completely different to being outside the fencing. Somehow this green space has a calm and relaxing effect on the people who choose to step inside of it, the distraction of commuters rushing about outside fades away and for a moment nature is your main focus. I might spend a little bit more time in this park and watch life unfold within it.

So after my moment of relaxation and pondering within the park I rushed off so I could see a talk by the amazing photographer Christine Donnier-Valentin. She is a photographer who produces beautiful portraits and impacting commissions as well as some wonderful personal documentary work. Christine talked about how she became a photographer, the work which she produces and her experiences over the years, after the talk I was able to spend a little bit of time with her. I highly recommend you view her work:

After the talk I was walking towards Liverpool street station and I passed through this street, it was an interesting street where there was a clash of the Artistic Brick Lane culture and the High Flying City Workers culture. One site of the street was full of modern glass filled architecture, whereas the other side consisted of traditional brick architecture; it was quite interesting watching how these two sub-cultures co-existed.

I have spent the past month eagerly waiting for my opportunity to visit Simon Robert's Let This Be A Sign exhibition at the Swiss Cottage Gallery. I had a couple of hours spare so I shot straight across London to view the exhibition, I was not disappointed! Upon entering the Swiss Cottage Central Library (the building which houses the gallery) I was greeted by a room full of placards and shop closure signs, I believe that this was an installation linked to the exhibition. The whole exhibition was brilliant and I shall produce a separate blog post reviewing it, so watch out!

After the exhibition I shot over to the UK headquarters of Google for a session with Jonty Sharples on User Experience. During the session we were set the task to create a new product to pay overseas and to replace the use of a card within payment, throughout the afternoon we developed the prototypes to produce a final prototype for the product. It was a really great session and even as a photographer I could draw so much useful information out of it. 

After my time at Google a friend from Graduate Academy, Amelie, and I decided to go to St.Pancras Station and Kings Cross Station to check out the London Festival of Photography exhibitions. I couldn't resist showing Amile my favourite sculpture of all time which is "The Meeting Place" by Paul Day, I love how he creates such beautiful depth within a shallow area, if you are ever in St.Pancras station check it out!

The St.Pancras London Festival of Photography exhibition was brilliant, it features many of my favourite photographers including Liz Hingley, Simon Roberts and Peter Dench... I am definitely going to try and go back on Friday to absorb even more beauty from the photographs on show before it gets taken down. I found it interesting how people who were passing by either ignored, glanced at, or became absorbed by the exhibition, from observing this I am starting to believe that an exhibition in a public space such as this can be more impacting than hiding an exhibition within the walls of a gallery. If you want to use your photographs to make a statement then let the mass see your statement instead of hiding it away for a few to see.

A wonderful exhibition of street photography could also be found outside Kings Cross Station, I found the photographs from this exhibitions very interesting, some were full of humour and others addressed serious situations. 

If you are around the London area I definitely suggest visiting all three exhibitions over the next week before they get taken down!

This scene of people picnicking outside of Kings Cross Station greeted me as I left the Street Photography exhibition, I couldn't resist grabbing my camera so I could create this photograph.


Tuesday 26 June 2012

GradAcad Day 2. 26th June.

So today the Graduate Academy were based at Old Spitalfields Market as this is the home to New Blood over the next few days.  We were given a 29 metre wall space and could do whatever we wanted with it, so we started up the morning with a little meeting and bashed out a few ideas. 

We deceided on an idea where we would use thousands of googley eyes to create a message which represented the academy as a collective. We used ready-made eyes and also created our own unique eyes on this little production line.

It took us about six hours to finish this task, but it looks great and was very much worth it! I have to say a huge thank you to Cass Arts - London for giving us the materials we needed to see this happen.

My work can be found at New Blood over the coming week...

Tonight was also the Student Award ceremony, a great opportunity to connect with other photographers from all over the world and to network with people from the industry, a couple of people from Rankin's team were at the ceremony. It was a great evening which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Being part of the Graduate Academy I had to have my photo taken with the group, it is a bit strange being infront of the camera, I do prefer being behind the camera and being in control of the photos it takes!

Day 2 of the graduate academy has been a success!