Thursday 28 June 2012

GradAcad day 4 - Social Design and Little White Lies. 28th June.

Today's sessions were at The Book Club, a quirky little cafe/bar/social space near Shoreditch, everyone met a little bit early so that we could enjoy a little bit of breakfast together. I do have to say they make a lovely skinny latte! 

We were joined by Steven Johnson & Steven Nicholson from Collaborative Change, a social design agency. He spoke about social design, his own experiences in social design, and how we can work as social designers. The agency works with Charities, NGOs, and Government organisations to design resolutions for social problems.  

In the latter half of the sessions we worked in groups to respond to a brief which Collaborative Change had recently responded to. The brief was to alert heroin users that if their friend has overdosed they don't need to be scared to call 999 for an ambulance. Users often associate 999 with the police, they would be scared of being arrested and being separated from heroin. It was quite a complex brief to work to, but after a good few hours working on it and a lot of help from Steven J & Steven N we all came to similar conclusions to the ones which Collaborative Change reached.

It was an excellent session which made me a lot more aware of social design and how important it is in today's world! I found a lot of it helpful and my documentary work will be very influenced by what I learnt in today's session!

This evening I was invited to a private view by Little White Lies, the work was a collection of cover designs for an up and coming publication. All the designs were by D&AD yellow pencil winners, nominees, and best of year winners. The covers were very diverse but all interesting in a unique way. I really enjoyed the exhibition, well done to all the designers behind the covers.


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