Friday 29 June 2012

GradAcad day 5 - Uncontained Shoot, Box Park, Cyanotypes, and The Park Study update. 26th June.

^ Cool graffiti I saw this morning.

Today I was based at the Box Park in Shoreditch in the ShellSuit Zombie Uncontained, container! We were running a photoshoot and I was assisting the Photographer, Suzie Blake. Each Grad Acad attendee had to create some kind of prop/design/style which would represent the word "warrior", the creations were used in the portraits of each sitter. The shoot was crazy, everyone had different ideas, it was great! I was kept busy, assisting Suzie, getting the sitters ready, making sure everyone knew what they were doing and where they were going! And I also got to watch Suzie at work and gleen some knowledge from the experience! It was a super-fun day, here's to many more amazing days like today!

I had the chance to design a prop and have my portrait taken, I decided to create a protest placard which said "NO! That is not ok." I chose this design because my work is all about raising awareness of issues and telling people that ignoring important issues is not okay. I also chose the placard because I have worked on a number of protests and wanted a photojournalistic feel within the photograph!

The guys really worked hard to create effective props/outfits/designs. 

Some of the crazy designs, they were so creative and diverse.

A little bit of the backstage craziness!

For those of you who haven't been to Box Park, it's pretty  much a shopping centre made out of shipping containers. Someone also said that it was like a pier, but in London.. which I totally agree with. I couldn't resist taking this abstract architectural photo when I had a spare second.

A gallery round the corner from me is just coming to the end of an exhibition, I only noticed the exhibition today so I popped in. A series of cyanotypes from Argentina filled the walls, I always stayed away from experimenting with Cyanotypes as I thought they looked a bit tacky... but today my perception has been changed, I loved the photographs and I felt that the Cyanotype process really added a different feel to the photographs and really enhanced the subject. I will have to try out Cyanotypes one day! 

Also, this week I started a new project titled "The Park Study", I'm basically looking at how people use a tiny park in the middle of London as a place to escape, relax, socialise and more... I had a couple of opportunities to shoot today, I was amazed at how different the park seemed at the two times of the day... I might incorporate times of the day into the project. A lot of different ways I could take the project, so I'm spending this weekend working out where to go.


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