Thursday 31 May 2012

Just a rabbit... 31st of May.

Some of you may know that I look at toys and ornaments and sometimes see a slightly more sinister side to them, so I go on and capture this side.This rabbit sits in my garden, it has done for years.. and it hardly looks like a normal live rabbit, but it is supposed to be seen as one. 

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Walking Wave. 30th May.

So I spent a little bit of time in Peterborough today, and whilst sitting on a bench sipping a Frappuchino I decided to take a few snaps of the people who were walking by me. Most of the photographs were normal with people walking casually from left to right, or vice versa, but this one lady did something different, she must of been meeting a friend.. and for a few strides she walked across my frame with her hand held high, so snap, the photograph was made.

Also, I have been able to enter a competition with Photo Democracy on facebook, if you want to support me then click on this link and "like" the photograph to vote for my picture:

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Halfords cycle race Peterborough. 29th May.

I was at the Halfords Tour Series bike race in Peterborough this evening, it was one of the events I wanted to capture for my current project. I underestimated the amount of people who would be there, so I am hoping that the photographs I have taken with the Mamiya will look perfectly fine and be effective when I get the film processed and scan the negatives.

I'm having a collective exhibition in a few weeks where this work will be exhibited alongside a number of other great photographers, if you are interested in attending follow us on facebook to keep updated:
or visit our website:

Monday 28 May 2012

Eye See. 28th May.

My eyes are the inspiration behind my photography, without them I wouldn't be able to see the many things which I choose to capture. 

Sunday 27 May 2012

Ferry Meadows. 27th May.

Today was very beautiful, it would have been a crime not to go out and enjoy the weather! So a few friends and I decided to have a BBQ at our local park, ferry meadows, the picnic was Jubilee themed, so we had Union Flag bunting and traditional "British" food, such as a Victoria Sponge. I have to admit that I am starting to become an Instagram Photographer, it is such a useful tool... it's like a camera and photoshop all built into an iPhone, I promise that I will not rely on it all the time... it is very useful though!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Willow Festival. 26th May.

In Peterborough this weekend is the Willow Festival, it's one of the largest free festivals in Europe. I went this afternoon to take a few photographs for my current project, so I carted the Mamiya RZ67 into the festival and set up a few shots... although I can't show you them as they're currently on a roll of unfinished film! It was a great festival atmosphere, the weather was hot, people were sitting in different clusters around the site, and a mash up of music from a number of different bands filled the air! 

Friday 25 May 2012

Union Flags on the Square. 25th May.

It's that time of 2012, all across Britain villages, towns and cities are all gearing to celebrate one big event... the Queen's Jubilee! As I was walking around my town today I saw the square garbed with union flags and a couple of fairground attractions! I might go down there tomorrow with the Mamyia when everything is in full swing, it will be great so capture how towns such as mine embrace "Britishness" by celebrating events such as the Jubilee!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Flowers for Gran. 23rd May.

My Gran loved all things nature-related, she spent much time in her garden looking after the flowers and watching the birds that eat from the bird feeders, today was her funeral and I had the privilege of giving her these flowers in her respects along with my siblings, I am very sure that she would have loved them and is no doubt admiring their beauty whilst up in heaven. Thank you Gran for being amazing.

Monday 21 May 2012

Posing in a net house. 21st May.


Joanne Cream, a friend and fellow photographer asked to do a portrait sitting with me for her current project where she is placing people inside nets to create a personal space. So we went to a nature reserve for this shoot, whilst getting to the location within the reserve I found a couple of interesting caterpillars which  I decided to photograph (the first caterpillar reminded me of the one out of the animated Alice in Wonderland). Whilst posing for the photographs I took the opportunity photograph the top of the net house, it seems to have made quite an abstract and graphic-based photograph. 

Sunday 20 May 2012

McDonalds. 20th May.

Ok, so today has another Instagram shot, I promise that I am not converting to a massive Instagram-ite, but I have found that the iPhone can be like a screenshot for your eyes and you can capture a moment which could otherwise be uncaptured if you had no camera on you...

So I was having a quick milkshake in McDonald's today, and whilst I was in there I looked around and saw the massively diverse range of people within the fast food restaurant. There are not many places you can get a large variety of ages, cultures and social groups, but somehow McDonald's encompasses all of them!

Friday 18 May 2012

The wonders of Harry Potter. 18th May.

Firstly, I apologise that the quality of today's photo isn't that great... even with the powers of iPhones and Instagram you can see it's defects. 

I am currently reading this book for about my hundredth time, I may not be 9 any more.. but something about the magical story of Harry Potter makes it readable to almost everybody. J.K.Rowling probably did not realise how popular her books would be when she wrote them, she probably just wrote them because she found a storyline she was passionate about and be captivated by... how would she know that all these years on it's captivated the hearts and minds of many readers and film watchers around the world!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Monarchy. 17th May.

My family are very entrepreneurial people, they all have different businesses, one of which is internet sales... they have recently invested in this fabulous card game called Monarchy. Basically, it's a little bit like happy families, but much better.... and as this is the year of the queen's jubilee it is an even more relevant card game. I have had many fun times playing this game and I'm sure I will have many more!! 
If you are interested you can have a look at it here: 

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Memories of Frogs. 16th May.

You know when you're younger and there are those little items you see round the house or at your grandparents, and somehow they stick in your memory... well these frogs are one of those things. They belonged to my Nana and Grandad, I used to go round their house when I was a little girl and I was nosey, so I used to sneak in their bedroom and look at my Nana's jewellery.. these frogs were on her jewellery desk, I loved the different poses and expressions they had and all these years on they have somehow stuck with me in my head. Now both my Nana and Grandad have passed away I have inherited these little figurines, they may be worthless to most people.. but to me they capture the essence of the trips I had to my grandparent's as a little girl!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

D&AD Graduate Academy. 15th May.

So, exciting news of the day... I got accepted into the D&AD graduate academy, this means I'll be spending a month in London with a group of 25 emerging creative professionals and we will get to work alongside some of the top agencies... pretty exciting! I have a feeling that it is going to be a hectic few weeks, but so worth it as I am ready to learn, experience, and be practical!!

Monday 14 May 2012

Perching Pigeons. 14th May.

I was in Stamford, Linconshire today as that is where my closest reliable film processing lab is. After dropping my film off to be processed I went for a little walk around the town, it is quite a beautiful town full or narrow cobbled alleyways, large church buildings, and relaxing green spaces. I spent some time walking round the meadows where I found these two pigeons perched on a fence which overlooked the meadows. I also found a great location for my current project, so watch this space!

Sunday 13 May 2012

Oblivious. 13th May.

Some of you may remember that I took a photo over the summer of a girl with her hands over her face (if you visit my website you'll see the photo:,) I titled this photo Oblivious and always had the plan to go and shoot more in a similar style to create an interesting series of images which study how people can choose to stay "oblivious" of their surroundings whilst they are caught up in their day-to-day lives. I did a little spur-of-the-moment shoot for this today, it is a project I want to further, and I may be furthering it a little bit more in the near future!

Saturday 12 May 2012

Fotheringhay. 12th May.

I was in Fotheringhay today for a friend's wedding, it was such a beautiful day for a wedding and Fotheringhay was such a beautiful village for a wedding to be held. At bottom of the lawn of the reception venue there was this beautiful scene which I had to capture.

Friday 11 May 2012

Tree Texture. 11th May.

The other day I realised that I can walk past trees and look at them vertically, but not horizontally.. so when I was out today I thought that I would look up for once, admire the structure and texture within a tree and really study it's beautiful and intricate design. I quickly snapped this photo on my iPhone to really capture a slight glimpse of the beauty which the structure of a simple tree can offer.

Thursday 10 May 2012

The Rowing Man. 10th May.

I was test shooting for my project on The English, at Peterborough City Rowing Club this evening and I decided to be a little bit experimental with some shots as the people were rowing up and down the lake repetitively. This shot was taken to show the movement of the lake and how a tranquil landscape can be suddenly be changed by the involvement of people within the landscape. I know a number of people who shoot at this lake and have taken beautiful landscapes of it, but made sure the rowers were not within the shot, are photographic landscapes really as they seem, or are they secretly filled with hidden people?

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Motions of Life. 9th May.

Have you ever driven home and then realised that you can not remember your journey home? People go through the same motions day in, day out; these motions are so familiar to people that they stop thinking about them and just do them. I remember when my family moved house when I was younger, my parents sometimes automatically drove towards our old house before realising that we did not live there any more; my parents were so used to making that one journey. I wonder how many things we actually do in our day without thinking about them? If we videoed ourselves, how different would our lives look like to how we see them?

Monday 7 May 2012

Stilton Cheese Rolling Festival. 7th May.

I have been at the Stilton Cheese Rolling festival shooting for my project on the English lifestyle. There was a great buzz and community feel around the small town of Stilton, the street was packed full, despite the rain and cold weather.This is a man who was sitting in a booth for one of the rides which lined the main street of Stilton. There were so many things going on, ferret racing, fair games, dancing, singing and of course Cheese Rolling, I hope that I have captured the esscence of this festival through the 10 frames I shot on the Mamiya RZ-67.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Driving 6th May.

I like driving, it gives you the opportunity to explore and find new and amazing places, driving helps you escape into your own little bubble, it is also a really important tool which helps me access the subjects for my photographic projects. Nothing beats being on an open road on a beautiful day and just being able to enjoy the world around you!

Saturday 5 May 2012

Self Portrait. 5th May.

For most people who know me as a photographer, they will know that I am not the kind of photographer who enjoys self-portraiture... So today was a bit of an exception to my rule of no self-portraits... It was about dusk and I thought that I could experiment with some surreal long-exposure portraiture techniques, I'm a little bit happy with this shot, but I know that I can do much better, so I may be doing a little bit more self-portraiture in the future..... watch out!

Friday 4 May 2012

Grandma's Locket. 4th of May.

This is a little bracelet my Grandma gave me when I was a baby, it was given to her when she was a baby and may have been her mother's before that... she passed away today and this is one of the many items and memories which I have to remember her wonderful life by. She lived a great life and was an amazing woman, one of the best Grannies out there! She loved my photographic work, especially a piece I did in Norfolk, the county where she spent many years of her life... I would often see her holding a photograph I took of one of the beaches on the coastline, she was probably remembering one of the many times she had walked along that beach. 

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Broadway Cemetery. 2nd May.

I walk past this cemetery every week and it has some mysterious beauty within it, the gravestones are old and covered in moss and ivy, bushes and trees are scattered throughout it, and squirrels and birds can be found lost in the undergrowth everywhere. 

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Birds. 1st May.

The Forest Floor
© James V. Harker, Jr.

Beneath some fallen leaves; 
On the forest floor, 
Lies a bird; silent. 
Chirping no more... 

The once esteemed beauty 
Of his golden feathers, 
Are now washed away, 
By the rain and awful weather,

His wings are bent and broken; 
He can barely fly, 
The eagle-like heart he once had, 
Is now beginning to die. 

No one looks up to this bird anymore. 
He is just another fallen object, 
Lying on the forest floor... 

The little bird, as he dies, 
Looks up at the blue skies, 
And no one even stops to cry, 
Or to feel any emotions inside, 

As his heart beats its last song, 
No one wonders if they have done wrong. 
As it was, the bird just needed love; 
Love, all along. 

But there was no one there, 
To mend his broken wings, 
There was no one there, 
To listen to the song he would sing. 

The people were too busy, 
And too controlled by wealth, 
To care at all about nursing a bird, 
Back to proper health. 

They could not look down, 
To the broken, sad, and poor; 
And spot a little bird, 
Lying there, 
On the forest floor, 

They could not bend down, 
And cup him in their palm. 
They could not sooth him, 
And make his beating heart calm. 

But there was Someone, 
Up in the sky, 
He watched sadly, 
As the little bird slowly died, 

His hand reached down, 
From the place in the sky, 
It carried the bird up, up, 
Way up high. 

Now the bird is free, 
Free again. 
Free to chirp, free to sing, 
A song of no end, 

But, down here, 
Where the bird once lay; 
On the forest floor, 
Things get harder; 
Worse than they were before, 
More things die, 
And drop to the ground. 

Things vanish away, 
Without making a sound, 
And while they are now happy, 
We can not ignore, 
The bird we left there to die, 
On the forest floor.