Thursday 30 August 2012

Converse. 30th August.

As some of you may know from previous posts, I like Converse. The shoes are both good looking and comfortable... they are also pretty photogenic! I bought this new pair last week and decided it was time to have a little snapping session with them. 

In other news, I'm off to Wales tomorrow! Looking forward to this, I will have my camera out and shall snap as many portraits and landscapes as I can.. have a couple of projects which I am going to be working on in wales, good fun!

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Through These Eyes. 29th August.

Firstly, massive apologize in my lack of Blogging! I have been camping in a world of no electricity, so I had to keep my phone use to a minimum.. which meant I could not use internet on my phone to post blogs. I am home for a couple of days and then I am off to Wales.. but I should have internet access, so don't worry.
Looking forward to getting some good landscapes and portraits whilst in Wales, so keep your eyes open!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Call Centres in March. 23rd August.

I was in the fenland town of March today for a meeting, it's an interesting little town which is divided by a canal that runs right through the town centre. There are many stories which could be told by the locals, good stories and bad stories. I may go back to March sometime in the future and delve deeper into the stories of the locals.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Farmyard. 22nd August.

Took these two photos whilst walking around a farmyard today, such an interesting place! Don't really know what else to type, so I'll just let the two photos speak for themselves.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Apple in the hand. 21st August.

I decided to have a quick shoot today which was a little bit inspired by the cover of the "Twilight" novel. The photo isn't amazing and when I get my studio set up I will try and shoot some high contrast "Twilight" style photographs as I love the tone and feel within the book covers.

If you are not familiar with Twilight book covers here are some samples:

(I do not own these images or copyright to them)

Sunday 19 August 2012

Puzzle Pile. 19th August.

I used to love working out jigsaw puzzles, I always used the same method: build the edges, then tackle the middle. Jigsaws are good fun, I hope they never get "too old" or go out of fashion!

Saturday 18 August 2012

Louis Smith makes his city proud. 18th August.

Louis Smith, the Gymnast who won Silver and Bronze medals at the London 2012 Olympics, made an appearance in his home city of Peterborough. Hoards of people gathered around Cathedral Square waiting for the arrival of Louis on his open top London bus, everybody eagerly waiting to congratulate the success of this great Gymnast. I captured a few photographs of this event, he is a Gymnast who inspires the children of this city to get out and be involved in sport. I have a lot of respect for Louis Smith, congratulations Louis, I look forward to seeing you move forward as a world class Gymnast.

Friday 17 August 2012

Black and White. 17th August.

I took this photo today and was messing around with a black and white conversion of it in Photoshop, during my messing around I came up with this.. it somehow reminded me of the beautiful black and white tones which can be found in a photogram. I haven't been able to create any photograms for a while as I have not had any access to darkroom printing facilities, but as soon as I am able to get the kit and space I definitely want to start creating some of these beautiful prints.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Ice Cream, Summer and Pretty Flowers. 16th August.

Whilst I was in the city of Peterborough today I realised the us Brits seem to have a love affair with ice cream cones in the summer. Wherever you look there is someone holding a wafer cone filled with soft vanilla ice cream, I have to say that I embrace the trend of ice cream in the summer! Even on days which aren't particularly hot or "summery" the ice cream vans come out in force and the punters flock towards their nearest ice cream distribution centre.

I also found these two rather vibrant flowers today in the gardens surrounding the Peterborough Cathedral, I decided to suddenly become a nature photographer and snapped a couple of typical stock-photography style shots.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Cambridge Road Trip! 14th August.

Today I had a bit of a "day off" and went on a little road trip to Cambridge, I put down my pro camera and picked up my tiny little budget SLR & tacky lens.. (Nikon D3000 + 18-55mm Kit lens, nothing special!). It was a challenge to get used to using such a simple (and not too great) SLR, I found myself hitting invisible buttons and twisting non-existent dials! But I overcame my snobbishness and shot a few street photos around the city. 

Cambridge is a great city and I am quite tempted to return with the Mamiya to get some proper street shots!

I apologise for my lack of decent posts recently, I am currently working on my studio, which will hopefully be finished in September, I'm quite excited about being able to twiddle around with artificial lighting in a studio environment!

Saturday 11 August 2012

The Rainbow Teddy Bear. 11th August.

Just a quickie shot testing out lighting alongside shallow depth of field.. trying to prepare for a shoot coming up... news soon!

Friday 10 August 2012

f1.8. 10th August.

I don't tend to use my 50mm f1.8 lens as I have a much better lens with a slightly higher aperture. But today I decided to have some f1.8 shallow focus fun! I explored my garden finding different subjects to photograph and different places to photograph them.. it was quite fun and I really enjoy experimenting with getting the perfect sharp focus with the wonderfully small depth of field.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Goodbye Harlaxton. 8th August.

So today was my last day at the beautiful place which was Harlaxton Manor. I captured a couple of photos of the place before I had to head home.. it is such a beautiful building, inside and out! I thoroughly look forward to visiting it again sometime in the future.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

The House of Harlaxton. 7th August.

I had another great day in the wonderful building which is Harlaxton Manor. I had a snippet of time where I could go and take some photos of the building, so here they are: