Tuesday 30 October 2012

Rankin day 2 & a few more shots. 30th October.

Today was day 2 of my time at Rankin.. it was a completely different day to yesterday, a rare chilled day before the storm which is going to hit tomorrow afternoon as we have shoots planned non-stop for the rest of my time at Rankin.

Today included creating some props; I have been working with a lot of lightbulbs for one interesting prop... I also did a tiny bit of plug re-wiring... felt like an electrician for a short while. I also helped paint a whole load of stuff white, the studio is white at the moment, but depending on the shoot the studio/equipment can be painted completely different colours... but today has been relatively easy as the studio is fine in white!! 

It is really great as I have been able to do so many different things in the space of just two days; it shows how working as a photographer or assistant is such a varied job where you need to use so many skills in a wide range of areas. Looking forward to see what the next few days bring.

My journey to the studio takes quite a while, so I have decided to pick up my camera on the way so that I can make the most of this time! I really enjoy my route as it is almost all overground, beats the dark tunnels in central London!

I also love the emptiness that night can bring:

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