Friday 28 September 2012

Parnwell. 28th September.

I went out today and did a test shoot for what I thought could be a possible project, I wanted to photograph life in a small estate in Peterborough, Parnwell.. the test shot did not go to plan as there were not that many people about.. making it hard to photograph it how I wanted to. I am not sure if I'll continue the project, I might visit a couple more times to see if it changes.. if not then I may look at different areas to test shoot.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Mario. 27th September.

I met Mario today on the streets of Peterborough so I had to get his portrait. 

I'm still sorting through my photos from London as I have had another very busy day today... I'm hoping that I get a little bit of time on Saturday.
Weather-dependant I have a test shoot tomorrow for a documentary piece I am thinking about doing on an estate near to me, so you may see a test shoot from that tomorrow if all goes well!!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Pipes and the Millennium Bridge. 26th of September.


For those of you who don't know, I take a photograph everyday and most days I post the photograph on my blog, hence the picture above.. I am currently looking for new projects to photograph, so I photograph whatever is around me to gain inspiration and somehow this wall helped me today.

Today has been very busy as I have been working at Kingsgate in the media team, doing a bit of video production and and other media-ey bits and bobs! But that has means I haven't been able to go through half the photos I would have liked to from yesterday, I have been able to edit the photo below of Millennium Bridge, I love this bridge as the architecture is quite lovely, the merge of the new bridge set against the old building of St.Pauls. 

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Horse Walkers, Spitting Signs, and London. 25th September.

Here are a couple of photos I took today, nowhere near the amount of photos that I have taken today.. but I need to go through them and do something with them tomorrow! For those of you who don't know, I have been in London today as I attended the awards ceremony for the Ian Parry Scholarship, it was an amazing evening which included me having a little chat with Don McCullin, which was such an honour! I will write a little more about it tomorrow when I have time to write a decent blog.

Friday 21 September 2012

The Fenland Roaster. 21st September.

This is my Dad and Matt, one of the guys who sometimes works for my dad. My Dad's business is the Fenland Roaster, he does hog roasts, lamb roasts and any other roast you could imagine as well as a load of other catering options. This means whenever I eat with my parents the meal is almost always going to incorporate some kind of leftovers from a previous job, I won't complain though as his cooking is great!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

The Organist. 19th September.

Today I spent time in a wonderful little church in Gresham, Norfolk, as it was the Memorial for my Grandma. It was a lovely day and I know that she would have loved it. As I walked into the church this man was tinkling away on the organ and I decided that it was such a lovely thing I had to whip my iPhone out and capture the moment. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Magnetic Memories. 18th September.

This vast collection of magnets belonged to my grandparents; each magnet represents a memory, usually of somewhere they visited, some magnets are of things which they loved, some magnets were gifts which remind them of the people who gave them the magnet. This fridge is literally covered in memories.

Monday 17 September 2012

Guitar Girl. 17th September.

I currently feel that my need to take portraits is not satisfied, so I took a little self portrait today to satisfy it for a tiny little bit of time! Tomorrow I shall try and find some time to hunt down some interesting people to photograph portraits of...

Sunday 16 September 2012

Metaxa. 16th September.

Found this half empty bottle of brandy in my kitchen today and decided to do a couple of snapshots with it!

Saturday 15 September 2012

View from a Bus. 15th September.

I rode on the bus today, it is quite a rare thing for me to do now I drive.. but it gave me time to think about a little test shoot I did last year. The test shoot was for a possible project where I would document city life from my view on the bus... for various reasons I didn't carry it on and left the idea to gather dust. Recently I saw a couple of projects similar to this featuring London life in an exhibition, that experience and my time on the bus today made me think about starting this project... I need something to get stuck into, maybe this is the thing I am looking for!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

The Flower People and Lumen Magazine. 12th September.

I am slowly stepping into the world of freelance photography now that I have finished my studies! I was out and about with a regional newspaper company today and ended up taking a few photographs of this trio today who were responsible for a prize-winning flower display... They were quite enjoyable to meet and I know that there are plenty of people out there who I will enjoy meeting in the future, so I'm quite excited to see how my freelance career develops!

Also, I have a front page on the Analogue Photography Journal; Lumen, there is also a selection of my work featured in the journal alongside a number of pieces by other great photographers, you should check it out:

Saturday 8 September 2012

Seaside Day. 8th September.

Today was the most perfect day for a trip to the seaside, the weather was lovely and warm, it was a weekend, and I had no other jobs to be doing... So we drove down to Sunny Hunny (also known as Hunstanton) to enjoy the day. The beach was beautiful, full of lovely scenes and typically British people! On the next beautiful seaside day I'll have to grab my Mamiya and go shooting some Martin Parr inspired shots.

Friday 7 September 2012

Welsh fashion shoots and Coke Cans. 7th September.

I'm back... now I am in the land of internet so I can get back into the swing of things by regularly updating my blog! 

For those of you who don't know, I've been in Wales for the past week (and I have been camping for the week before that)... I was not able to post a blog every day as my links to the internet were not that great during my time away. Wales was great, I ended my week by taking photos for a fashion shoot, it was great and I am still processing the photos from the shoot... but I have uploaded a sneak peak:

Watch my facebook page to see more photographs from this shoot and other shoots:

Saturday 1 September 2012

People. 1st September.

So, I'm in wales this week.. currently at a conference for Home Educators (as some of you may know I was home educated up until the age of 16). I've not yet had any opportunity to shoot any landscapes yet (got plenty of time to do that during the week), but I have been photographing people over the past couple of days. I've uploaded a couple of the portraits I've taken over the past two days. I also apologise in advance for the lack of blog posts over the week as my internet connection and mobile signal is very limited.

More photos of people, landscapes and general welsh things will follow!