Monday 31 October 2011

The Bronze Man. 31st October.

Today has been full of essay writing! I do the silly thing where I intend to get everything written at the start of a week, but I leave it right until the end to do it! Anyway... back to today's photograph! I was asked to photograph this Bronze Statue, so I photographed it today, experimented with using a white backdrop whilst keeping a lot of contrast within the photograph, quite a lot harder than I thought it was... but it was a good learning curve! I am starting to really appreciate product/still life photography and I am considering buying some studio equipment (the equipment I am currently using is on loan). 

In other news I'm off to London tomorrow (again!) I will be working on an architecture brief, but I may be able to get some more photography on the Occupy London Stock Exchange Protest... depending on time etc... I have also started to become interested in the Critical Mass movement, basically once a month a group of people meet together in cities around the world and travel around the city on self-propelled transport. 

Sunday 30 October 2011

The little Bible. 30th October.

This little bible was in my house ontop of my piano.... I thought it would make an interesting photograph. I still have a macro lens at the moment too, so I used that for this photo... might have to do a few more things with it as it is an amazing little lens (Canon 60mm f2.8 USM). In other news I am super tired today as I had a busy morning at church doing kids work :) And I have been essay writing all afternoon! I am still wanting to be able to develop the roll of film in my SLR at the moment, it's 36 exposures and I'm on about 25! I do no want to waste a single shot though... maybe I'm being a bit too picky at the moment though!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Photojournalism: Occupy The London Stock Exchange.

I visited the Anti-Capitalism protest (also known as Occupy London Stock Exchange/OccupyLSX) outside St.Pauls in London on the 28th of October. My main aim was to document what was going on whilst staying impartial to the views of the protesters and their opposition. I found the protest as a very peaceful site with a really big feel of community, which hopefully comes through in the series of photographs.

Toys at War #2. 29th October.

Today I did some more work on my Toy Soldier project, one of the shoots I did was to impersonate a photograph by Matthew Naythons, I worked for a while over this shot trying to get the lighting and angle right. I only have a few more scenes to shoot and then I just need to start sorting out the photographs and deciding which shall be final for the series!

Friday 28 October 2011

The Anti-Capitalist Rhino. 28th October.

As I said yesterday, I went to London today to follow up a brief and a couple of projects. One of my projects was to document a little bit of the Anti-Capitalism protest outside St.Pauls Cathedral. There is a line of metal barriers that have been put up by St.Pauls for the protesters to put messages on and this little message stood out to me, mainly because of it's creativity! I will work on the photographs in the near future and when they're up I will give you all a link to view them!

Thursday 27 October 2011

The Leopard. 27th October.

I thought I would do a little macro shot today of a leopard teddy I have! I have no real reason for this photo except the fact that I did not really feel that inspired today as I've not been feeling that well! But tomorrow's photo should be a gooden as I'm off to London! I'm going to be doing some Architectural photography with Lloyds of London, some street portraits, and I'm wanting to do a little personal project about the Anti-Capitalim Protest in london... so busy busy busy day tomorrow! Early night it is!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Capturing Time. 26th October.

Sometimes I just take pictures because I see something I like. It may not lead onto the most amazing photograph or be useful for anything, but it's me capturing a moment of time which I like. Today just for a few minutes the sky was absolutely amazing, full of colour and drama. I liked it, so I photographed it and here is is!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Spoilers! 25th October.

I was shooting for my Toy Soldier project today and I have decided to upload a photograph from it! I am taking famous war photographs and recreating them with toys, it is a lot harder than I thought it was! This photograph is a replica of Peter Turnley's photograph: End of the Gulf War, Kuwait, 1991. The whole series is a set of black and white photographs which are my interpretations of the photographs. I am shooting during this week, so in the near future you may get to see the results, which I shall share with you on here!

End of the Gulf War, Kuwait, 1991. Peter Turnley.

Monday 24 October 2011

Incan Treasures. 24th October.

I have been photographing a collection of Inca Treasures today. They are really amazing items all crafted from clay and so intricately designed, and for items which are thousands of years old they are so well preserved. Photographing items like these is a lot harder than it looks, you have to light them so that the details are highlighted and still well defined, you have to find an angle which represents the item fairly and you also have to learn how to work with the materials which the items are made from. I do enjoy working spending time thinking about how to photograph a subject though, and this was a great project.

More photographs from the shoot can be found here: Antique Product Photography.

Sunday 23 October 2011

The Ring. 23rd October.

I am not an avid jewellery wearer, it takes a really unique and beautiful piece of jewellery for me to wear it more than once! This ring is something that I found second hand, it isn't an average looking ring... it is interesting to look at and quite unique. I wear this ring quite a lot, and I thought it was worth photographing and sharing with other people! 

In other news, I am currently in the process of shooting my toy soldier project, this is great fun and also quite hard work! Bringing toys to life is not as easy as it looks! I will post a blog about the project when I have finished shooting it. I am also going to London this week to shoot for my Street Portrait project, such fun! I really enjoy street photography, so I hope that will come through in the photographs.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Pharaoh. 22nd October.

This week I have a portable lighting kit set up so I can work on my Toy soldiers project. I decided to have a little fun with it and photograph an ornament I found in my house of an Egyptian Pharaoh-type man! I do quite enjoy photographing still life pieces and experimenting with lighting and I took this photograph to test my set up! I shall most probably be doing a little bit more still life work over the week, watch out!

Friday 21 October 2011

5x4 Pinholes. 21st October.

Today I had a little go with 5x4 pinhole photographs! The first photograph is my shot and the second is a group photo which was exposed for 2minutes, so a little bit of motion blur! The negatives were tray developed, I was responsible for the chemical process of the negatives, they have a few marks and scratches on, but I shall try and improve my technique! I do really love pinhole work and with the 5x4 it is amazing, the angles are really wide and the depth of field is almost never ending as the aperture is f128. I look forward to experimenting further with Large Format pinhole cameras and seeing what I get!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Time for some film! 20th October.

Today I decided to go for a walk around the city and find interesting things to photograph as I have a roll of 35mm 36exp colour film in my SLR waiting to be used! So I went for a little walk in my spare time and found some rather interesting things to photograph. Some people may say that I was wasting film, as I had no real reason or purpose for my photography, I simply took photographs of things I wanted to photograph. I have still got a few exposures left, but when I get my film developed & printed I will upload the best shots :)

Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Lincoln Busker. 19th October.

I'm cheating today... this photograph was taken on Sunday! But, I have had a busy day planning photo shoots and other things... and I really do love this photo! I'm currently working on a series of street portraits and this shall be part of that series! I'm trying to capture people on the street who are slightly out of the ordinary! 

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Hope For Justice. 18th October.

So... I found it hard today to get inspiration for a photograph! I had a little look around me and saw this wristband, I wear it all the time (as you can probably tell). The wristband is to do with the charity Hope For Justice, a charity which is against human trafficking... it's work is really great, you should check it out:

Monday 17 October 2011

Our God is Love. 17th October.

I've had a song by Hillsong stuck in my head all day, it's called Our God is Love... great song and very infectious! I never really do much photoshopping with photographs, today is an exception though! I wanted to do something a little bit different and I had this heart ornament in my room... perfect subject! 
I have a test shoot coming up on wednesday for a Tony & Guy shoot I'm doing with a group in a couple of weeks, fun times! Looking forward to it very much!

Sunday 16 October 2011

The Great Central Library. 16th Ocober.

I was shooting some architecture as Lincoln University today. The university library is a restored warehouse, it's now called the Great Central Library, the architecture of this is fabulous as the old is combined with the new! I just had to photograph it!

Saturday 15 October 2011

The Musical Butterfly. 15th October.

On a previous day I admitted how I have always wanted to play violin, but had never got round to properly learning. Well, here's one instrument which I did get round to learning... I've been playing guitar now for a good few years and I really love playing it! 
I was a little stuck today about what photograph to take, but I saw how beautiful the day was and decided that I had to do something outside! I'm glad I didn't go to London for the architecture shoot today because the conditions make it very hard to produce strong architectural work.
I am going to Lincoln tomorrow though so keep a look out for what is coming!

Friday 14 October 2011

Colourful Feet. 14th October.

So I was at my Church this evening for the Youth as I'm a leader.... today I took a few photos for the cover of the youth magazine which is coming out soon... and I did quite like the results! 
In other news, all London trips are postponed as I have other priorities... but I am going to Lincoln a couple of times in the next few days (hopefully) so keep your eyes WIDE OPEN!

Thursday 13 October 2011

The Cathedral through a Pinhole. 13th October.

You might be thinking "that photo looks a bit weird and fuzzy", but actually I am really proud of this photograph because not only did I take it, develop it, and print it... I made the camera that took it! I used a matchbox to make a pinhole camera and this was one of the first photographs I took with it. I was very excited when I had developed the film to see the negatives and even more excited to see how it came out on a print! 
Pinhole cameras are great fun, everyone can make one, everyone should have a go!!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Building. 12th October.

So, I was meant to be going to London today on an architecture assignment, but it fell through! I didn't want to disappoint you all today though... so I took this in Peterborough :)
I'm going to London on Saturday to work on a project where I am taking street portraits... so I may do a little architectural work too.. so keep your eyes open! 

Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Violin. 11th October.

I've always wanted to play the violin, I bought this one a few years ago and decided that I would give it a go! Sadly, I found it quite frustrating to learn so this violin is now a prop for photos such as this!

Sunday 9 October 2011

Toys at war. 9th October.

I am currently working on a series to do with toy soldiers, here's a photo from a little test shoot today :)

Saturday 8 October 2011

Star Trails! 08/10/11.

I went out last night to photograph star trails, I love the result! I'm going to definitely do more in the future!

Friday 7 October 2011

The Indian. 07/10/11.

Today I was in the city and this man dressed in Native American clothing had a teepee up and was running a stall, I just had to get a photograph of him!

Thursday 6 October 2011

In memoriam of Steve Jobs. 06/10/11.

Today I woke up to the news that Steve Jobs had died of cancer age 56. For those who don't know Steve Jobs was a great visionary who co-founded Apple, one of the highest valued companies in the world which has changed our perspective of technology. So, to honour Steve Jobs I photographed an apple, well done Mr Jobs.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Time for some smoke! 5th of October.

So, not too long ago I did a few photographs of food colouring in water, well today I did something similar to that, I photographed smoke! Some people have made some amazing photographs with smoke and it is definitely something I want to experiment with more in the future.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Two Wooden Bees. 4th of October.

I haven't used my 50mm f1.8 lens for a while, so I decided today that I would :) I saw these two bees on my windowsill and thought that they would make a great subject and reflect the fact that the summer is still lingering in the air, despite the fact it's now October!

Monday 3 October 2011

3rd of October - My Little Pony lost in time...

I was stuck on what to do today and then I found this little toy abandoned in a farmyard! I do quite like photographing toys which look a bit odd... I don't photograph them to flatter them, I photograph them to give them a character and to bring them to life.

Sunday 2 October 2011

02/10/11 - Converse, everyday shoes!

So, I decided to photograph my Converse today... I wear these shoes all the time, they're comfortable, stylish, and just quite cool :D Everyone should have some converse!

Saturday 1 October 2011

1st of October 2011 & Dance photography!

I was in Peterborough today and this man was promoting the world Conker Championships! I just had to ask him for a portrait as his outfit was fantastic! He was a great guy!!

In other news I photographed a dance group last night. They are called Release and they were at Kingsgate Community Church! They were really talented dancers and I enjoyed photographing them as their routines were packed full of different moves and formations. I have never really done dance photography before, but it was great and I learnt quite a lot about how to approach dance photography.