Monday 5 November 2012

Week 2 @ Rankin (Day 6) and a few more London transport-themed photos! 5th November.

I took some more London transport themed photos today, mainly because I spend a large amount of my day using this service, so I make the most of it by taking photos.

I started my second week at Rankin today, we had a shoot which was a bit different today, because instead of shooting in the studio Rankin decided to shot outside due to lighting and other reasons. People underestimate the power of using natural lighting as they tend to see studio flashes and lights as more professional ways of lighting photos, the Sun is the strongest light we have access to, so why not make the most of it!
Due to the team shooting outside, the studio was transformed into a massive styling room.. it was quite odd to see the studio used in this way as over the past week it has constantly been used for photography, film and set building.

Don't forget to check out my new Skatepark-documentary:

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