Tuesday 6 November 2012

7th day at Rankin, shooting and cleaning! 6th November.

Breaking the trend today as I didn't just take photos of the London transport system, I took a photo of a supermarket too, wahoo! 

Today at Rankin was very busy, we had a shoot in the morning-early afternoon, a shoot in the evening, and then we had to prep for an exhibition which opens on thursday. The morning shoot was amazing, we created a set which filled the whole of the studio, there were two great big backdrops with different coloured skies painted on and then a whole load of plants and props throughout the rest of the set (the props varied throughout the shoot depending on which type of scene we needed to create). It was one of my favourite shoots so far as the lighting set ups were very creative, and this meant that the photographs looked stunning. I was reunited with the reflector again, so I got the best seat in the house for watching Rankin and how he worked with the model and the camera. 

Rankin also has an exhibition that opens on thursday, so all hands were on deck today (well the walls actually), as we had to recover the walls from the last exhibition and then paint them... that may sound easy, but it really wasn't.. and my hands are a little bit sore! But weirdly enough I enjoyed it, I find it easy to enjoy things when I know they are going to create something amazing, having clean walls will create an amazing exhibition.

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