Saturday 1 December 2012

A very busy week; train signals, Michael Kenna-style landscapes, and some music photography.

This week has been very busy, so I apologise for my lack of blogging! Monday was spent in York, and a significant amount of time on that day was spent on the train or waiting for delayed trains as the weather was very wet! York is a beautiful city, the purpose of my trip was not photography-based... but I would love to go back and photograph the city.

As I earlier mentioned, the weather has been very wet, causing flooding around my little town... it is very inconvenient but I decided to turn it into a positive by taking some Michael Kenna style landscapes (long exposures, black and white conversions..) The flooded fields and do look quite beautiful when filled with water!

To end off my week I was photographing a concert, Rend Collective Experiment and Matt Redman were playing for the Big Church Night in, Kingsgate was filled with 1400 people (I think) and it was an amazing evening! A great concert to photograph, so much happening on stage and a great atmosphere.

So, a great week!

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