Thursday 25 August 2011

Tumblring about!

Ok, so I have decided to post my photos on Tumblr! Tumblr seems to be a great place to share photography/other work with a wide range of people and I thought I'd join in! So if you have Tumblr.. then check out my page/follow me/whatever:

In other news I'm going away for a few days... so everything on the Ruth Jones Photography front will be quite quiet.. but I'll be back posting etc.. when I'm back :D

Monday 22 August 2011


I had two portrait shoots planned this week. I get quite inspired by portrait photographers and their work and I like having a go at portrait photography every now and then! Sadly I had to cancel one shoot due to the fact it was bucketing it down with rain all day... but I had a shoot yesterday with a good friend of mine, Mary... It went well and was quite fun! Here's a couple of photos from the shoot:

I didn't have many plans for the shoot, so I just played about with different locations and poses... and through this shoot I have gained some inspiration for a project which will be called Oblivious, so look out for more information on that soon!
I enjoy portraiture and find it interesting trying to link Landscape photography and Portraiture together, I think I will definitely do some more portrait shoots in the future! 

Saturday 13 August 2011

Rutland water!

So yesterday I biked round Rutland water and did some landscape photography. For those who don't know, Rutland water is one of the largest artificial lakes in Europe... so it's pretty big! People say that you have to be dedicated to be a landscape photographer and after biking 25 miles of varying terrain I know what they mean! It makes me really respect photographers such as  Ansel Adams and the current-day photographer Joe Cornish who shoot stunning landscape photography with massive 10x8 cameras!
Even though I really ache... I have to say that it was definitely worth it! Here are a couple of photos from the trip:

I have plenty more photos to upload and edit though, so if you want to keep updated then "like" my facebook ( as I'll be posting the photos over the next week or so!


Tuesday 9 August 2011

A little bit of music photography...

As I have previously said, even though my main photographic interest is Landscape photography I enjoy exploring other genres. On Saturday I had the perfect opportunity to  explore a different photographic genre. My Church (Kingsgate Community Church) was hosting a concert by the chart topping band LZ7.
I found it hard to shoot using the equipment which I have as the environment I was shooting in was quite dark. But challenges such as that mean that I have to quickly learn how to work around them and still try to produce high quality photographic work.

I really enjoyed shooting the concert and if anything else like this comes my way I'd definitely do it again! You learn so much about photography by trying new things, and what you learn can easily effect how you would normally shoot!