Monday 11 November 2013

Mamiya vs Holga - Skegness off Season

Mamiya RZ-67
Holga 120N

I own two very different medium format cameras; a high-end Mamiya RZ-67 that is used by professionals and known for it's high quality sharp and crisp images, and a Holga.. a plastic toy camera well known for it's soft, vignetted, "lomo" images.

I recently got negatives from both developed, the Mamiya ones being from my last shoot in Skegness and the Holga's being from a trip to wales... I was surprised at how much I fell in love with the Holga's images, it's imperfections bought so much character and mood to the photographs. Seeing the two different sets of negatives challenged me on my choice of camera for this project, and I am now considering taking my Holga on my next trip to Skeggy to see if it is a good choice to swap to this toy camera for the project.

Thanks to IdeasTap for funding this project with the IdeasFund

Wednesday 30 October 2013

In Action - Skegness Off Season

I met & interviewed a photographer (Richard Franklin) whilst shooting in Skegness on Sunday and he just sent me through this photo that he took of me whilst I was setting up a shot! I didn't realise he had photographed me, so recieving this in my Inbox was a nice surprise!

Sunday 27 October 2013

Skegness Off Season. Shoot 1.

I've been in Skegness today, fighting the sand filled wind so that I could finally make a start on my Off Season project - a photo documentary (with a multimedia video twist), that explores the very popular Seaside Resort in it's winter months.

Skegness receives over 4million visitors each year, that generates over £480million in tourism.. yet it has some of the most severely deprived costal communities in the UK. (BBC) By going in the winter I want to dig past the summer holidays facade it often holds up, I want to understand what Skegness if really like.

Today's shoot went well, I've only been once before.. but it is a town I am very familiar with as many of my friends visited Skeggy on holidays and day trips. From my visit today I have been able to understand how I can go about creating a strong documentary piece, and I am very excited to step into this project and explore Skegness underneath the facade. 

Thanks to IdeasTap for funding this project with the IdeasFund

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Double Decker Peterborough

I rode on a bus today... it's something that I used to do daily, but now it is a rare occasion as I have a little pink piece of plastic that allows me to drive a car.

Bus journeys can often become repetitive and boring, but that's only if you choose to look on the surface of your surroundings. Today I took my camera out of it's dark bag and explored my city from the top floor of a bus.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

The hilly country of Wales.

I'm in the beautiful country of Wales for a few days catching up with old friends. It's great being somewhere with hills, as I'm from the fens... so I'm used to land that is as flat as a pancake! 
I've got my Holga & Lomo Action-Sampler, so I'm snapping away on some expired & redscale film to got some cool photos.. so keep your eyes open!

Sunday 18 August 2013

"The Brickies" . 18th August.

This pub used to be really nice, went there a few times when I was younger... but then it changed hands and now the paint is peeling.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Bride wore white to the Pub. 14th August.

I was out at the pub tonight with some friends and we spotted a small wedding party out for a drink. I had to snap this on my phone, but it's moments like this when I realise that I should just have my camera round my neck at all times!

Monday 12 August 2013

She sat there with her trolley and newspaper. 12th August.

I've realised that recently I have been photographing quite a few horses recently... so I decided to get away from the fields and get into the town centre today. I still ended up taking a photo of a pony though. 

Sunday 11 August 2013

Beach Day.

I went to the beach with some friends today... was a beautiful day. Something about the beach brings a unique kind of joy to us brits. I have always wanted to work on a photo-project about the beach, it's something that I'm constantly working on getting the funding to do.. so you never know what may be coming in the near future. 

Thursday 8 August 2013

Leprechaun. 8th August.

I'm still yet to find the end of a rainbow and meet a little leprechaun man.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

CorriDoor. 7th August.

Corridors are funny places; when they're filled with people they are loud, sometimes they hold a small sound of two people engaging in passing conversation, but sometimes they are silent.. as nobody is around. 

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Laces. 6th August.

You may already know that I'm a big fan of tilt-shift photography; from Large Format cameras to tilt-shift lenses and freelensing, it's something I love to experiment with. 

Monday 5 August 2013

Dusk Flowers. 5th August.

Dusk is one of my favourite times of the day to take photos, the lighting is beautiful and somehow intensifies the colours of the world.

Sunday 4 August 2013

Magnetic Flowers. 4th August.

These magnets belonged to my Nana & Grandad.. they liked gardening and always had a garden that was full of beautiful flowers.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Squire. 3rd August.

I play guitar, I first started teaching myself acoustic guitar when I was twelve... but I've never really tried electric, so today I nicked my brothers dusty Fender Squire and have started having a bit of a go. 

Also, apologies for no blogs last week - I was in a tent all week without much internet.. but I'm back now!

Thursday 25 July 2013

The Cactus on the Windowsill. 25th July.

This is a common sight for windowsills around the country, a lone cactus sitting there absorbing what sunlight it can get. Cacti's Cacti's really are the ideal low-maintenance plants.