Saturday 10 September 2011

Rain in Wales.

In the last week I have been away in Wales for a holiday. I love Wales, it is such a beautiful country and there is always so much to photograph... but the only downside is, it rains..quite a bit!
So pretty much the whole week it rained, I had a go at photographing landscapes in the rain.. but this happened:

On the last day of the holiday it brightened up for a few hours, so I grabbed my camera and went on a little walk to capture a little bit of Wales! I was quite sad about the fact it rained so much during the week as there were many places I would've loved to capture and a few projects that I could have worked on during my time in Wales, but I am grateful that it did dry up for a short time because I did take some photographs that I am quite happy with! Here are a couple:

And I also submitted one photograph from wales to Vogue Italia and it was accepted! I am quite happy about that:

Life is starting to get crazy again because I'm back at college in 11 days and there is a lot I want to fit into that short space of time!

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