Saturday 17 September 2011

Good old film!

So, I went to wales and I took my recently aquired Centon SLR with 50mm f1.7 lens along with a few rolls of film! I only ended up using 1 roll... but I am quite happy with the shots I got. I used Kodacolour 200 film which I actually found in Poundland, and I really like the film despite it's cheapness!

I don't usually shoot film, but I do love shooting film. Many people have the opinion that film is outdated and pointless.... but I dissagree with them! 
First reason: You have to really consider your shot as you only have limited exposures on the film and then you have to pay for the film to be developed... so you don't want to waste the film! 
Second reason: The fact you can't see the photos you've taken straight away makes you really excited about seeing the developed film & prints!
Third reason: The colours and aesthetics are so much more beautiful!
Fourth reason: You can experiment with different cameras/films/processes.... and it's so much better than just adding effects in photoshop.
Fifth reason: You get to understand how the camera/lighting/exposure works.

I could keep adding reasons!!!!

I was very happy with the prints and the 5 day wait for boots to process them was agonising! I do have to say that I prefer shooting portraits with the centon & 1.7 50mm lens than landscapes, but that is probably because the lens is naturally made for portraits. 

Here's a few shots:

I currently have some ISO 400 HP5 in the camera so keep your eyes open for a blog on that in the future!

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