Tuesday 15 April 2014

Day 8 in Nepal - Filming Stories, Building, and a walk through the Leprosarium.

I ventured up to the women’s ward at Anandaban hospital this morning as I had heard two stories that I wanted to film, both from leprosy patients in their 20’s. Rebecca, one of the girls I travelled with, sat with the women and shared their translated stories with the camera and myself. I look forward to being able to share the films with you. 

I currently have that clean feeling, the one you get when you have just put fresh clothes on and have that soapy smell, the one that you get when you have cleaned yourself from a large amount of dirt. Today we were back at the building site, moving bricks and stones from the road, down a little mud path, and into the house’s foundation. I feel like my arm muscles have grown over the past two days of this work! The house site where we were building has such a beautiful view over the village, fields, and reaching into the mountains. I am so happy to know the people we are building for will be able to enjoy this view daily soon.

Halfway during the work day I went on a walk into the Leprosarium where we were building, meeting many different leprosy-affected people along the way. The people in the town where the leprosarium is do not mix with the leprosy-affected people, as there is a lot of stigma and superstitions about leprosy in Nepal and especially in the smaller towns and villages. Even though there is a great community feeling at the leprosarium, I feel quite sad that all these people have been set aside from the rest of the world and given this small area to live together. 

I look forward to a day when leprosy is not subjected to stigma and superstition, and when people with the disease are seen as equal. But above that I look forward to the day when leprosy is eradicated. 

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