Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Scooby and Alan. 10th April.

I went to the Emmaus community in Cambridge today, I hadn't been there for about a month, but it was good to be back and working on the project. Even though I have been visiting a few times I am still meeting new people, this man, Alan, is someone who I met today. He is really interesting, he has a little dog called Scooby who was possibly the most excitable dog ever! He also has a bearded dragon, his room is very unique and almost all of his furniture has been made or customised by him. 

Today's trip mainly consisted of interviews, I took a few photos, but I have decided to start filming for the video documentary I am making on Emmaus and the people who live in the community. I have had a great start to filming this documentary and over the next few months I am really looking forward to creating it and making a really strong final piece.

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