And the photo got me thinking; I am pretty reliant on busses for transport at the moment as I haven't yet passed my driving test... and I have taken the journey from my town to the city hundreds of times... I always see the same sights and notice what's going on around the roads I'm driving on.... There are some places along the route where I would bike to and photograph for Landscape work.. but looking through a bus window gives a complete different perspective on the scene... So I decided to record this one trip I took today.. and I tried to show how sitting on a bus makes you see scenes in a different way!
Here's a few photos:
If you want to see the full set of photos then they're on my facebook:
I think I might chase this project up and develop it further and work on how it would be best to approach.. so keep your eyes open!!! :)
In other news I am going to wales for 5 days on Monday, woohoo! I love wales, it's such a beautiful country! So I am defintaley taking my Camera and Tripod (may even try and shoot some film!).... there may be some interesting uploads when I get back :D
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