Thursday 25 July 2013

The Cactus on the Windowsill. 25th July.

This is a common sight for windowsills around the country, a lone cactus sitting there absorbing what sunlight it can get. Cacti's Cacti's really are the ideal low-maintenance plants.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Bottled Green. 23rd July.

After a rather crazy day it was good to kick back and relax with this chilled drink! 

Monday 22 July 2013

Trip35. 22nd July.

I have 2 of these Cameras, but I have only ever used them once... and I was impressed with the outcome that one time. Maybe it's time I use it again.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Red Onions & Courgettes. 21st July.

I'm keeping up my commitment of practicing food photography, it is definitely challenging as there are so many fine elements that need to be considered. But these are two photographs I took when practicing earlier today.

I am currently uploading my photos from my shoot yesterday to my facebook page, like it to be updated!

Saturday 20 July 2013

This is David. 20th July.

I had a big shoot today for a Personal project I've been working on. The organisation Somewhereto_: are opening up pop-up creative shop spaces all across UK highstreets, one highstreet being Peterborough. Today I set camp in the shop and found some wonderful people on the street who let me take their portrait, I wanted to capture the diversity and individuality of the people of Peterborough.

Above area couple of photographs of David, one guy who sat for me today - I have so many more amazing photographs from today. Keep your eyes on my twitter & facebook page to see them when I upload them!

Friday 19 July 2013

Lunchtime in Peterborough. 19th July.

I had to head into Peterborough today to take some of my work into a Pop-up creative shop that will be exhibiting it over the next 8 days. I had half an hour in the city before my parking ran out, and I discovered the buzz that you find in the city during the Lunch Hour. I also met a lovely man called Oscar who worked on a plant stall in the centre (pictured above). 

I do love going into the city with my camera and finding opportunities to take photos!

Thursday 18 July 2013

The Parnwell Project Part2 - Phoneboxes. 18th July.

Today I went back to Parnwell to explore the estate more while taking photographs for The Parnwell Project. This is a diptych of a couple of photographs that I took during today's shoot. 
For more photos check out my facebook album that will be updated as I continue to shoot:

Wednesday 17 July 2013

I'm back! + Food Photography.

I used to post here every day, showing you all one of the photographs I had taken in that day.... but over the past few months I failed terribly, sorry.
I have still taken photographs each day and posted them to my personal facebook account, but today is all change; I am committing to updating this blog daily, showing you the photograph I have taken on the day, I am also going to be uploading the photographs to my facebook page, instagram and twitter. 

Today I photographed a Tomato. I've never tried hard at food photography, but it is my recent challenge to get better at it, I'm starting with simple items of food... and now I appreciate the art behind it. Food photography is not easy!